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Journal Abstract Search
767 related items for PubMed ID: 16230267
1. The importance of heart rate recovery in patients with heart failure or left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Lipinski MJ, Vetrovec GW, Gorelik D, Froelicher VF. J Card Fail; 2005 Oct; 11(8):624-30. PubMed ID: 16230267 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
2. Prevalence, clinical characteristics, quality of life, and prognosis of patients with congestive heart failure and isolated left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. Badano LP, Albanese MC, De Biaggio P, Rozbowsky P, Miani D, Fresco C, Fioretti PM. J Am Soc Echocardiogr; 2004 Mar; 17(3):253-61. PubMed ID: 14981424 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
3. Heart rate recovery immediately after treadmill exercise and left ventricular systolic dysfunction as predictors of mortality: the case of stress echocardiography. Watanabe J, Thamilarasan M, Blackstone EH, Thomas JD, Lauer MS. Circulation; 2001 Oct 16; 104(16):1911-6. PubMed ID: 11602493 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
4. Characteristics, treatments, and outcomes of patients with preserved systolic function hospitalized for heart failure: a report from the OPTIMIZE-HF Registry. Fonarow GC, Stough WG, Abraham WT, Albert NM, Gheorghiade M, Greenberg BH, O'Connor CM, Sun JL, Yancy CW, Young JB, OPTIMIZE-HF Investigators and Hospitals. J Am Coll Cardiol; 2007 Aug 21; 50(8):768-77. PubMed ID: 17707182 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
5. Association of blood pressure and its evolving changes with the survival of patients with heart failure. Grigorian-Shamagian L, Gonzalez-JuAnatey JR, Vazquez R, Cinca J, Bayes-Genis A, Pascual D, Fernandez-Palomeque C, Bardaji A, Almendral J, Nieto V, Macaya C, Jimenez RP, de Luna AB, Muerte Subita En La Insuficiencia Cardiaca (MUSIC) Group. J Card Fail; 2008 Sep 21; 14(7):561-8. PubMed ID: 18722321 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
6. Atrial fibrillation and heart failure in cardiology practice: reciprocal impact and combined management from the perspective of atrial fibrillation: results of the Euro Heart Survey on atrial fibrillation. Nieuwlaat R, Eurlings LW, Cleland JG, Cobbe SM, Vardas PE, Capucci A, López-Sendòn JL, Meeder JG, Pinto YM, Crijns HJ. J Am Coll Cardiol; 2009 May 05; 53(18):1690-8. PubMed ID: 19406345 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
7. Decreased heart rate recovery after exercise in patients with congestive heart failure: effect of beta-blocker therapy. Racine N, Blanchet M, Ducharme A, Marquis J, Boucher JM, Juneau M, White M. J Card Fail; 2003 Aug 05; 9(4):296-302. PubMed ID: 13680550 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
8. Contribution of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction to heart failure regardless of ejection fraction. Brucks S, Little WC, Chao T, Kitzman DW, Wesley-Farrington D, Gandhi S, Shihabi ZK. Am J Cardiol; 2005 Mar 01; 95(5):603-6. PubMed ID: 15721099 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
9. Remission of left ventricular systolic dysfunction and of heart failure symptoms after cardiac resynchronization therapy: temporal pattern and clinical predictors. Gasparini M, Regoli F, Ceriotti C, Galimberti P, Bragato R, De Vita S, Pini D, Andreuzzi B, Mangiavacchi M, Klersy C. Am Heart J; 2008 Mar 01; 155(3):507-14. PubMed ID: 18294488 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
10. Beta-blocker improves survival, left ventricular function, and myocardial remodeling in hypertensive rats with diastolic heart failure. Kobayashi M, Machida N, Mitsuishi M, Yamane Y. Am J Hypertens; 2004 Dec 01; 17(12 Pt 1):1112-9. PubMed ID: 15607617 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
11. An international perspective on heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction complicating myocardial infarction: the VALIANT registry. Velazquez EJ, Francis GS, Armstrong PW, Aylward PE, Diaz R, O'Connor CM, White HD, Henis M, Rittenhouse LM, Kilaru R, van Gilst W, Ertl G, Maggioni AP, Spac J, Weaver WD, Rouleau JL, McMurray JJ, Pfeffer MA, Califf RM, VALIANT registry. Eur Heart J; 2004 Nov 01; 25(21):1911-9. PubMed ID: 15522470 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
12. Long-term functional and clinical follow-up of patients with heart failure with recovered left ventricular ejection fraction after β-blocker therapy. de Groote P, Fertin M, Duva Pentiah A, Goéminne C, Lamblin N, Bauters C. Circ Heart Fail; 2014 May 01; 7(3):434-9. PubMed ID: 24563449 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
13. Aortic valve replacement in isolated severe aortic stenosis with left ventricular dysfunction: long-term survival and ventricular recovery. Rabus MB, Kirali K, Kayalar N, Tuncer EY, Toker ME, Yakut C. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg; 2009 Feb 01; 9(1):41-6. PubMed ID: 19196573 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
14. Usefulness of abnormal heart rate recovery on exercise stress testing to predict high-risk findings on single-photon emission computed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging in men. Gera N, Taillon LA, Ward RP. Am J Cardiol; 2009 Mar 01; 103(5):611-4. PubMed ID: 19231321 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
15. Risk stratification of mortality in patients with heart failure and left ventricular ejection fraction >35%. Cygankiewicz I, Zareba W, Vazquez R, Bayes-Genis A, Pascual D, Macaya C, Almendral J, Fiol M, Bardaji A, Gonzalez-Juanatey JR, Nieto V, Valdes M, Cinca J, de Luna AB, MUSIC Investigators. Am J Cardiol; 2009 Apr 01; 103(7):1003-10. PubMed ID: 19327431 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
16. Predictors of improved left ventricular systolic function in an urban cardiomyopathy program. Sam F, Halickman I, Vita JA, Levitzky Y, Cupples LA, Loscalzo J, Allensworth-Davies D. Am J Cardiol; 2006 Dec 15; 98(12):1622-6. PubMed ID: 17145222 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
17. [Differences in clinical profile and outcome in patients with decompensated heart failure and systolic dysfunction or preserved systolic function]. Macín SM, Perna ER, Címbaro Canella JP, Alvarenga P, Pantich R, Ríos N, Farías EF, Badaracco JR. Rev Esp Cardiol; 2004 Jan 15; 57(1):45-52. PubMed ID: 14746717 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
18. Optimization of heart FailUre medical Treatment after hospital discharge according to left ventricUlaR Ejection fraction: the FUTURE survey. Cohen Solal A, Leurs I, Assyag P, Beauvais F, Clerson P, Contre C, Thebaut JF, Genoun M, French National College of Cardiologists. Arch Cardiovasc Dis; 2012 Jan 15; 105(6-7):355-65. PubMed ID: 22800720 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
19. Differences between patients with a preserved and a depressed left ventricular function: a report from the EuroHeart Failure Survey. Lenzen MJ, Scholte op Reimer WJ, Boersma E, Vantrimpont PJ, Follath F, Swedberg K, Cleland J, Komajda M. Eur Heart J; 2004 Jul 15; 25(14):1214-20. PubMed ID: 15246639 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
20. Prognostic value of heart rate recovery in patients with heart failure. Arena R, Guazzi M, Myers J, Peberdy MA. Am Heart J; 2006 Apr 15; 151(4):851.e7-13. PubMed ID: 16569547 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related] Page: [Next] [New Search]