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Pubmed for Handhelds
Journal Abstract Search
156 related items for PubMed ID: 18827844
1. Congenital ocular anomalies in purebred and crossbred Rocky and Kentucky Mountain horses in Canada. Grahn BH, Pinard C, Archer S, Bellone R, Forsyth G, Sandmeyer LS. Can Vet J; 2008 Jul; 49(7):675-81. PubMed ID: 18827844 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
2. Congenital ocular anomalies in purebred and crossbred Rocky and Kentucky Mountain horses. Swan DS. Can Vet J; 2009 Feb; 50(2):121; author reply 121-2. PubMed ID: 19412389 [No Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
3. Multiple congenital ocular anomalies in Icelandic horses. Andersson LS, Axelsson J, Dubielzig RR, Lindgren G, Ekesten B. BMC Vet Res; 2011 May 26; 7():21. PubMed ID: 21615885 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
4. Equine Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies maps to a 4.9 megabase interval on horse chromosome 6. Andersson LS, Juras R, Ramsey DT, Eason-Butler J, Ewart S, Cothran G, Lindgren G. BMC Genet; 2008 Dec 19; 9():88. PubMed ID: 19099555 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
5. Ultrasonographic features of PMEL17 (Silver) mutant gene-associated multiple congenital ocular anomalies (MCOA) in Comtois and Rocky Mountain horses. Ségard EM, Depecker MC, Lang J, Gemperli A, Cadoré JL. Vet Ophthalmol; 2013 Nov 19; 16(6):429-35. PubMed ID: 23278951 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
6. Targeted analysis of four breeds narrows equine Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies locus to 208 kilobases. Andersson LS, Lyberg K, Cothran G, Ramsey DT, Juras R, Mikko S, Ekesten B, Ewart S, Lindgren G. Mamm Genome; 2011 Jun 19; 22(5-6):353-60. PubMed ID: 21465164 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
7. A survey of ocular abnormalities in miniature horses. Plummer CE, Ramsey DT. Vet Ophthalmol; 2011 Jul 19; 14(4):239-43. PubMed ID: 21733064 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
8. The horse homolog of congenital aniridia conforms to codominant inheritance. Ewart SL, Ramsey DT, Xu J, Meyers D. J Hered; 2000 Jul 19; 91(2):93-8. PubMed ID: 10768120 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
9. The refractive state of the eye in Icelandic horses with the Silver mutation. Johansson MK, Jäderkvist Fegraeus K, Lindgren G, Ekesten B. BMC Vet Res; 2017 Jun 02; 13(1):153. PubMed ID: 28577553 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
10. Ocular anomalies in a herd of Exmoor ponies in Canada. Pinard CL, Basrur PK. Vet Ophthalmol; 2011 Mar 02; 14(2):100-8. PubMed ID: 21366825 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
11. Limbal squamous cell carcinoma in a Rocky Mountain Horse: Case report and investigation of genetic contribution. Knickelbein KE, Lassaline ME, Bellone RR. Vet Ophthalmol; 2019 Mar 02; 22(2):201-205. PubMed ID: 30238589 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
12. Equine multiple congenital ocular anomalies and silver coat colour result from the pleiotropic effects of mutant PMEL. Andersson LS, Wilbe M, Viluma A, Cothran G, Ekesten B, Ewart S, Lindgren G. PLoS One; 2013 Mar 02; 8(9):e75639. PubMed ID: 24086599 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
13. Congenital ocular abnormalities of Rocky Mountain Horses. Ramsey DT, Ewart SL, Render JA, Cook CS, Latimer CA. Vet Ophthalmol; 1999 Mar 02; 2(1):47-59. PubMed ID: 11397242 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
14. Clinical and electroretinographic characteristics of congenital stationary night blindness in the Appaloosa and the association with the leopard complex. Sandmeyer LS, Breaux CB, Archer S, Grahn BH. Vet Ophthalmol; 2007 Mar 02; 10(6):368-75. PubMed ID: 17970998 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
15. Corneal thickness, intraocular pressure, and optical corneal diameter in Rocky Mountain Horses with cornea globosa or clinically normal corneas. Ramsey DT, Hauptman JG, Petersen-Jones SM. Am J Vet Res; 1999 Oct 02; 60(10):1317-21. PubMed ID: 10791948 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
16. Coat Color Roan Shows Association with KIT Variants and No Evidence of Lethality in Icelandic Horses. Voß K, Tetens J, Thaller G, Becker D. Genes (Basel); 2020 Jun 22; 11(6):. PubMed ID: 32580410 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
17. Association between population structure and allele frequencies of the glycogen synthase 1 mutation in the Austrian Noriker draft horse. Druml T, Grilz-Seger G, Neuditschko M, Brem G. Anim Genet; 2017 Feb 22; 48(1):108-112. PubMed ID: 27476720 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
18. Diagnostic ophthalmology. Sandmeyer LS, Grahn BH. Can Vet J; 2009 Mar 22; 50(3):319-20. PubMed ID: 19436487 [No Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
19. Equine Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies (MCOA) syndrome in PMEL17 (Silver) mutant ponies: five cases. Komáromy AM, Rowlan JS, La Croix NC, Mangan BG. Vet Ophthalmol; 2011 Sep 22; 14(5):313-20. PubMed ID: 21929608 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]