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Journal Abstract Search
418 related items for PubMed ID: 19045178
1. The structure of mixed H2O-OH monolayer films on Ru(0001). Tatarkhanov M, Fomin E, Salmeron M, Andersson K, Ogasawara H, Pettersson LG, Nilsson A, Cerdá JI. J Chem Phys; 2008 Oct 21; 129(15):154109. PubMed ID: 19045178 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
2. Metal- and hydrogen-bonding competition during water adsorption on Pd(111) and Ru(0001). Tatarkhanov M, Ogletree DF, Rose F, Mitsui T, Fomin E, Maier S, Rose M, Cerdá JI, Salmeron M. J Am Chem Soc; 2009 Dec 30; 131(51):18425-34. PubMed ID: 19947628 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
3. Agostic interactions and dissociation in the first layer of water on Pt(111). Jacob T, Goddard WA. J Am Chem Soc; 2004 Aug 04; 126(30):9360-8. PubMed ID: 15281827 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
4. Identification of hydroxyl on Ni(111). Shan J, Kleyn AW, Juurlink LB. Chemphyschem; 2009 Jan 12; 10(1):270-5. PubMed ID: 19067441 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
5. Study of adsorption and decomposition of H2O on Ge(100). Jung SJ, Lee JY, Hong S, Kim S. J Phys Chem B; 2005 Dec 29; 109(51):24445-9. PubMed ID: 16375446 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
6. Dissociation of water on oxygen-covered Rh{111}. Shavorskiy A, Eralp T, Ataman E, Isvoranu C, Schnadt J, Andersen JN, Held G. J Chem Phys; 2009 Dec 07; 131(21):214707. PubMed ID: 19968360 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
7. Ultrathin TiO(x) films on Pt(111): a LEED, XPS, and STM investigation. Sedona F, Rizzi GA, Agnoli S, Llabrés i Xamena FX, Papageorgiou A, Ostermann D, Sambi M, Finetti P, Schierbaum K, Granozzi G. J Phys Chem B; 2005 Dec 29; 109(51):24411-26. PubMed ID: 16375442 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
8. Thermal stability of surface freezing films in Ga-based alloys: an x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy study. Halka V, Freyland W. J Chem Phys; 2007 Jul 21; 127(3):034702. PubMed ID: 17655450 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
9. Radiation effects in water ice: a near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure study. Laffon C, Lacombe S, Bournel F, Parent P. J Chem Phys; 2006 Nov 28; 125(20):204714. PubMed ID: 17144730 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
10. Unveiling the mechanism of water partial dissociation on Ru(0001). Maier S, Stass I, Cerdá JI, Salmeron M. Phys Rev Lett; 2014 Mar 28; 112(12):126101. PubMed ID: 24724661 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
11. Wetting of mixed OHH(2)O layers on Pt(111). Zimbitas G, Gallagher ME, Darling GR, Hodgson A. J Chem Phys; 2008 Feb 21; 128(7):074701. PubMed ID: 18298158 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
12. Adsorption of water on reconstructed rutile TiO2(011)-(2 x 1): Ti=O double bonds and surface reactivity. Di Valentin C, Tilocca A, Selloni A, Beck TJ, Klust A, Batzill M, Losovyj Y, Diebold U. J Am Chem Soc; 2005 Jul 13; 127(27):9895-903. PubMed ID: 15998096 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
13. Specific ethene surface activation on silver oxide covered Ag[111] from the interplay of STM experiment and theory. Bocquet ML, Sautet P, Cerda J, Carlisle CI, Webb MJ, King DA. J Am Chem Soc; 2003 Mar 12; 125(10):3119-25. PubMed ID: 12617680 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
14. L-tyrosine on Ag(111): universality of the amino acid 2D zwitterionic bonding scheme? Reichert J, Schiffrin A, Auwärter W, Weber-Bargioni A, Marschall M, Dell'angela M, Cvetko D, Bavdek G, Cossaro A, Morgante A, Barth JV. ACS Nano; 2010 Feb 23; 4(2):1218-26. PubMed ID: 20092357 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
15. Hydrogen and coordination bonding supramolecular structures of trimesic acid on Cu(110). Classen T, Lingenfelder M, Wang Y, Chopra R, Virojanadara C, Starke U, Costantini G, Fratesi G, Fabris S, de Gironcoli S, Baroni S, Haq S, Raval R, Kern K. J Phys Chem A; 2007 Dec 13; 111(49):12589-603. PubMed ID: 17994713 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
16. Thin silica films on Ru(0001): monolayer, bilayer and three-dimensional networks of [SiO4] tetrahedra. Yang B, Kaden WE, Yu X, Boscoboinik JA, Martynova Y, Lichtenstein L, Heyde M, Sterrer M, Włodarczyk R, Sierka M, Sauer J, Shaikhutdinov S, Freund HJ. Phys Chem Chem Phys; 2012 Aug 28; 14(32):11344-51. PubMed ID: 22797775 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
17. Epitaxial BaTiO3(100) films on Pt(100): a low-energy electron diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study. Förster S, Huth M, Schindler KM, Widdra W. J Chem Phys; 2011 Sep 14; 135(10):104701. PubMed ID: 21932912 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
18. Structural evolution of perfluoro-pentacene films on Ag(111): transition from 2D to 3D growth. Götzen J, Schwalb CH, Schmidt C, Mette G, Marks M, Höfer U, Witte G. Langmuir; 2011 Feb 01; 27(3):993-9. PubMed ID: 21188995 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
19. Temporal evolution of benzenethiolate SAMs on Cu(100). Schmidt C, Götzen J, Witte G. Langmuir; 2011 Feb 01; 27(3):1025-32. PubMed ID: 21207993 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
20. Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy study of atomic and electronic structures of In2O on InAs and In0.53Ga0.47As(001)-(4×2) surfaces. Shen J, Chagarov EA, Feldwinn DL, Melitz W, Santagata NM, Kummel AC, Droopad R, Passlack M. J Chem Phys; 2010 Oct 28; 133(16):164704. PubMed ID: 21033816 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related] Page: [Next] [New Search]