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Pubmed for Handhelds
Journal Abstract Search
338 related items for PubMed ID: 22206640
1. Electromyographic indices, orofacial myofunctional status and temporomandibular disorders severity: A correlation study. De Felício CM, Ferreira CL, Medeiros AP, Rodrigues Da Silva MA, Tartaglia GM, Sforza C. J Electromyogr Kinesiol; 2012 Apr; 22(2):266-72. PubMed ID: 22206640 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
2. Surface electromyographic assessment of patients with long lasting temporomandibular joint disorder pain. Tartaglia GM, Lodetti G, Paiva G, De Felicio CM, Sforza C. J Electromyogr Kinesiol; 2011 Aug; 21(4):659-64. PubMed ID: 21463956 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
3. Mandibular kinematics and masticatory muscles EMG in patients with short lasting TMD of mild-moderate severity. De Felício CM, Mapelli A, Sidequersky FV, Tartaglia GM, Sforza C. J Electromyogr Kinesiol; 2013 Jun; 23(3):627-33. PubMed ID: 23477915 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
4. Impaired orofacial motor functions on chronic temporomandibular disorders. Ferreira CL, Machado BC, Borges CG, Rodrigues Da Silva MA, Sforza C, De Felício CM. J Electromyogr Kinesiol; 2014 Aug; 24(4):565-71. PubMed ID: 24816190 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
5. Masticatory muscle activity during maximum voluntary clench in different research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (RDC/TMD) groups. Tartaglia GM, Moreira Rodrigues da Silva MA, Bottini S, Sforza C, Ferrario VF. Man Ther; 2008 Oct; 13(5):434-40. PubMed ID: 17643338 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
6. Patients with myogenic temporomandibular disorders have reduced oxygen extraction in the masseter muscle. Ferreira CLP, Bellistri G, Montagna S, de Felício CM, Sforza C. Clin Oral Investig; 2017 Jun; 21(5):1509-1518. PubMed ID: 27444450 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
7. Activity and asymmetry index of masticatory muscles in women with and without dysfunction temporomandibular. Rodrigues-Bigaton D, Berni KC, Almeida AF, Silva MT. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol; 2010 Jun; 50(7-8):333-8. PubMed ID: 21284371 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
8. Otologic symptoms of temporomandibular disorder and effect of orofacial myofunctional therapy. de Felício CM, Melchior Mde O, Ferreira CL, Da Silva MA. Cranio; 2008 Apr; 26(2):118-25. PubMed ID: 18468271 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
9. Assessment of thickness and function of masticatory and cervical muscles in adults with and without temporomandibular disorders. Strini PJ, Strini PJ, Barbosa Tde S, Gavião MB. Arch Oral Biol; 2013 Sep; 58(9):1100-8. PubMed ID: 23684155 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
10. Assessment of electromyographic activity in patients with temporomandibular disorders and natural mediotrusive occlusal contact during chewing and tooth grinding. Fuentes AD, Sforza C, Miralles R, Ferreira CL, Mapelli A, Lodetti G, Martin C. Cranio; 2017 May; 35(3):152-161. PubMed ID: 27101810 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
11. Influence of occlusal stabilization splint on the asymmetric activity of masticatory muscles in patients with temporomandibular dysfunction. Alajbeg IZ, Valentić-Peruzović M, Alajbeg I, Illes D. Coll Antropol; 2003 Jun; 27(1):361-71. PubMed ID: 12974166 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
12. Evaluation of integral electromyographic values and median power frequency values in women with myogenous temporomandibular disorder and asymptomatic controls. Pires PF, Rodrigues-Bigaton D. J Bodyw Mov Ther; 2018 Jul; 22(3):720-726. PubMed ID: 30100303 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
13. EMG and pain severity evaluation in patients with TMD using two different occlusal devices. Al-Saad M, Akeel RF. Int J Prosthodont; 2001 Jul; 14(1):15-21. PubMed ID: 11842899 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
14. Effects of a functional appliance on masticatory muscles of young adults suffering from muscle-related temporomandibular disorders. Castroflorio T, Talpone F, Deregibus A, Piancino MG, Bracco P. J Oral Rehabil; 2004 Jun; 31(6):524-9. PubMed ID: 15189308 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
15. Validity of the 'protocol of oro-facial myofunctional evaluation with scores' for young and adult subjects. de Felício CM, Medeiros AP, de Oliveira Melchior M. J Oral Rehabil; 2012 Oct; 39(10):744-53. PubMed ID: 22852833 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
16. Electromyographic evaluation of masseter and anterior temporalis muscles in rest position of edentulous patients with temporomandibular disorders, before and after using complete dentures with sliding plates. Zuccolotto MC, Vitti M, Nóbilo KA, Regalo SC, Siéssere S, Bataglion C. Gerodontology; 2007 Jun; 24(2):105-10. PubMed ID: 17518958 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
17. Immediate effect of the resilient splint evaluated using surface electromyography in patients with TMD. Botelho AL, Silva BC, Gentil FH, Sforza C, da Silva MA. Cranio; 2010 Oct; 28(4):266-73. PubMed ID: 21032981 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
18. Deglutition and temporomandibular disorders in children. Pizolato RA, Silva De Freitas Fernandes F, Beatriz Duarte Gavião M. Minerva Stomatol; 2009 Oct; 58(11-12):567-76. PubMed ID: 20027127 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
19. Influence of temporomandibular disorder on temporal and masseter muscles and occlusal contacts in adolescents: an electromyographic study. Lauriti L, Motta LJ, de Godoy CH, Biasotto-Gonzalez DA, Politti F, Mesquita-Ferrari RA, Fernandes KP, Bussadori SK. BMC Musculoskelet Disord; 2014 Apr 10; 15():123. PubMed ID: 24721559 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
20. Impact of temporomandibular disorders on the stomatognathic system in children. Díaz-Serrano KV, Dias TM, Vasconcelos P, Sousa LG, Siéssere S, Regalo S, Palinkas M. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal; 2017 Nov 01; 22(6):e723-e729. PubMed ID: 29053659 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related] Page: [Next] [New Search]