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Pubmed for Handhelds
Journal Abstract Search
279 related items for PubMed ID: 26289818
1. HAL® exoskeleton training improves walking parameters and normalizes cortical excitability in primary somatosensory cortex in spinal cord injury patients. Sczesny-Kaiser M, Höffken O, Aach M, Cruciger O, Grasmücke D, Meindl R, Schildhauer TA, Schwenkreis P, Tegenthoff M. J Neuroeng Rehabil; 2015 Aug 20; 12():68. PubMed ID: 26289818 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
2. Against the odds: what to expect in rehabilitation of chronic spinal cord injury with a neurologically controlled Hybrid Assistive Limb exoskeleton. A subgroup analysis of 55 patients according to age and lesion level. Grasmücke D, Zieriacks A, Jansen O, Fisahn C, Sczesny-Kaiser M, Wessling M, Meindl RC, Schildhauer TA, Aach M. Neurosurg Focus; 2017 May 20; 42(5):E15. PubMed ID: 28463613 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
3. Voluntary driven exoskeleton as a new tool for rehabilitation in chronic spinal cord injury: a pilot study. Aach M, Cruciger O, Sczesny-Kaiser M, Höffken O, Meindl RCh, Tegenthoff M, Schwenkreis P, Sankai Y, Schildhauer TA. Spine J; 2014 Dec 01; 14(12):2847-53. PubMed ID: 24704677 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
4. Feasibility, safety, and functional outcomes using the neurological controlled Hybrid Assistive Limb exoskeleton (HAL®) following acute incomplete and complete spinal cord injury - Results of 50 patients. Aach M, Schildhauer TA, Zieriacks A, Jansen O, Weßling M, Brinkemper A, Grasmücke D. J Spinal Cord Med; 2023 Jul 01; 46(4):574-581. PubMed ID: 37083596 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
5. Hybrid Assistive Limb Exoskeleton HAL in the Rehabilitation of Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: Proof of Concept; the Results in 21 Patients. Jansen O, Grasmuecke D, Meindl RC, Tegenthoff M, Schwenkreis P, Sczesny-Kaiser M, Wessling M, Schildhauer TA, Fisahn C, Aach M. World Neurosurg; 2018 Feb 01; 110():e73-e78. PubMed ID: 29081392 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
6. Impact of locomotion training with a neurologic controlled hybrid assistive limb (HAL) exoskeleton on neuropathic pain and health related quality of life (HRQoL) in chronic SCI: a case study (.). Cruciger O, Schildhauer TA, Meindl RC, Tegenthoff M, Schwenkreis P, Citak M, Aach M. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol; 2016 Aug 01; 11(6):529-34. PubMed ID: 25382234 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
7. Rehabilitation of Acute Vs. Chronic Patients With Spinal Cord Injury With a Neurologically Controlled Hybrid Assistive Limb Exoskeleton: Is There a Difference in Outcome? Zieriacks A, Aach M, Brinkemper A, Koller D, Schildhauer TA, Grasmücke D. Front Neurorobot; 2021 Aug 01; 15():728327. PubMed ID: 34776919 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
8. A Randomized and Controlled Crossover Study Investigating the Improvement of Walking and Posture Functions in Chronic Stroke Patients Using HAL Exoskeleton - The HALESTRO Study (HAL-Exoskeleton STROke Study). Sczesny-Kaiser M, Trost R, Aach M, Schildhauer TA, Schwenkreis P, Tegenthoff M. Front Neurosci; 2019 Aug 01; 13():259. PubMed ID: 30983953 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
9. Modified ischaemic nerve block of the forearm: use for the induction of cortical plasticity in distal hand muscles. Hayashi R, Ogata K, Nakazono H, Tobimatsu S. J Physiol; 2019 Jul 01; 597(13):3457-3471. PubMed ID: 31111966 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
10. Changes in supraspinal activation patterns following robotic locomotor therapy in motor-incomplete spinal cord injury. Winchester P, McColl R, Querry R, Foreman N, Mosby J, Tansey K, Williamson J. Neurorehabil Neural Repair; 2005 Dec 01; 19(4):313-24. PubMed ID: 16263963 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
11. Sensorimotor training promotes functional recovery and somatosensory cortical map reactivation following cervical spinal cord injury. Martinez M, Brezun JM, Zennou-Azogui Y, Baril N, Xerri C. Eur J Neurosci; 2009 Dec 01; 30(12):2356-67. PubMed ID: 20092578 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
12. Training with robot-applied resistance in people with motor-incomplete spinal cord injury: Pilot study. Lam T, Pauhl K, Ferguson A, Malik RN, BKin, Krassioukov A, Eng JJ. J Rehabil Res Dev; 2015 Dec 01; 52(1):113-29. PubMed ID: 26230667 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
13. Short-term cortical plasticity associated with feedback-error learning after locomotor training in a patient with incomplete spinal cord injury. Chisholm AE, Peters S, Borich MR, Boyd LA, Lam T. Phys Ther; 2015 Feb 01; 95(2):257-66. PubMed ID: 25234276 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
14. Robotic resistance treadmill training improves locomotor function in human spinal cord injury: a pilot study. Wu M, Landry JM, Schmit BD, Hornby TG, Yen SC. Arch Phys Med Rehabil; 2012 May 01; 93(5):782-9. PubMed ID: 22459697 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
15. Exoskeleton-assisted walking improves pulmonary function and walking parameters among individuals with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled pilot study. Xiang XN, Zong HY, Ou Y, Yu X, Cheng H, Du CP, He HC. J Neuroeng Rehabil; 2021 May 24; 18(1):86. PubMed ID: 34030720 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
16. The effects of walking training onset on motor evoked potentials after acute spinal cord injury. Zhao B, Zhou X, Liu C, Wu S, An L. Neurosci Lett; 2020 Nov 20; 739():135338. PubMed ID: 32947005 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
17. Effect of EMG-biofeedback robotic-assisted body weight supported treadmill training on walking ability and cardiopulmonary function on people with subacute spinal cord injuries - a randomized controlled trial. Cheung EYY, Yu KKK, Kwan RLC, Ng CKM, Chau RMW, Cheing GLY. BMC Neurol; 2019 Jun 24; 19(1):140. PubMed ID: 31234791 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
18. Trunk robot rehabilitation training with active stepping reorganizes and enriches trunk motor cortex representations in spinal transected rats. Oza CS, Giszter SF. J Neurosci; 2015 May 06; 35(18):7174-89. PubMed ID: 25948267 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
19. Effects of locomotor training after incomplete spinal cord injury: a systematic review. Morawietz C, Moffat F. Arch Phys Med Rehabil; 2013 Nov 06; 94(11):2297-308. PubMed ID: 23850614 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
20. Decrease of spasticity after hybrid assistive limb® training for a patient with C4 quadriplegia due to chronic SCI. Ikumi A, Kubota S, Shimizu Y, Kadone H, Marushima A, Ueno T, Kawamoto H, Hada Y, Matsumura A, Sankai Y, Yamazaki M. J Spinal Cord Med; 2017 Sep 06; 40(5):573-578. PubMed ID: 27762171 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related] Page: [Next] [New Search]