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Journal Abstract Search

172 related items for PubMed ID: 2836272

  • 21.
    ; . PubMed ID:
    [No Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]

  • 22. [Hygienic evaluation of nitrate levels in drinking water and vegetable food products in various regions of Lithuania].
    Bartkiavichiute RI, Chapkiavichene ES.
    Vopr Pitan; 1991; (2):68-70. PubMed ID: 1862632
    [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]

  • 23. [Nitrate contamination of the groundwater of the Akkar Plain in northern Lebanon].
    Halwani J, Baroudi BO, Wartel M.
    Sante; 1999; 9(4):219-23. PubMed ID: 10623868
    [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]

  • 24.
    ; . PubMed ID:
    [No Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]

  • 25. Effects of nitrate and ammonium on larvae of Rana temporaria from the Pyrenees.
    Oromí N, Sanuy D, Vilches M.
    Bull Environ Contam Toxicol; 2009 May; 82(5):534-7. PubMed ID: 19238302
    [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]

  • 26.
    ; . PubMed ID:
    [No Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]

  • 27. [Scientific substantiation of hygienic standards of octyldichloropropyl phosphate in a water medium].
    Zaĭtsev NA, Skachkova IN.
    Gig Sanit; 1988 Sep; (9):7-10. PubMed ID: 3234812
    [No Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]

  • 28.
    ; . PubMed ID:
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  • 29. [Action of potassium sulfate and potassium magnesium sulfate on the body of animals in a chronic experiment].
    Khodykina TM.
    Gig Tr Prof Zabol; 1984 Jul; (7):47-9. PubMed ID: 6090278
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  • 30.
    ; . PubMed ID:
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  • 31.
    ; . PubMed ID:
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  • 32.
    ; . PubMed ID:
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  • 33.
    ; . PubMed ID:
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  • 34. [Hygienic establishment of the maximum permissible concentration of allylamine in the water of reservoirs].
    Ilichkina AG, Toropkov VV, Verenikina BI.
    Gig Sanit; 1983 Jan; (1):80-2. PubMed ID: 6826079
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  • 35. [Hygienic basis for the maximum permissible concentration of hydrogen peroxide in reserviors].
    Antonova VI, Salmina ZA, Latkina LL, Bukina AP, Mishina NE.
    Gig Sanit; 1974 Oct; (10):20-2. PubMed ID: 4464204
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  • 36. [Determination of nitrites and nitrates in water].
    Zhang YF.
    Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi; 1984 Sep; 18(5):292-4. PubMed ID: 6537306
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  • 37.
    ; . PubMed ID:
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  • 38. [Data on the hygienic regulation of pentachloroacetophenone in water].
    Ivanova OP, Manenko AK.
    Gig Sanit; 1986 Jul; (7):75-7. PubMed ID: 3093316
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  • 39. [Hygienic evaluation of freon-12 and its allowable level in the water of bodies of water].
    Antonova VI, Salmina ZA, Petrova NA.
    Gig Sanit; 1987 Mar; (3):73-4. PubMed ID: 3569997
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  • 40. [Hygienic standard for plictran in reservoir water].
    Tatevosian AE, Akopian AG, Sakhkalian EO.
    Gig Sanit; 1982 Jul; (7):80. PubMed ID: 7129130
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