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Journal Abstract Search
386 related items for PubMed ID: 30713187
1. Analyses of the Erosive Potential of Various Soft Drinks and Packaged Fruit Juices on Teeth. Shroff P, Gondivkar SM, Kumbhare SP, Sarode S, Gadbail AR, Patil S. J Contemp Dent Pract; 2018 Dec 01; 19(12):1546-1551. PubMed ID: 30713187 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
2. Temperature-dependent erosivity of drinks in a model simulating oral fluid dynamics. Steiger-Ronay V, Steingruber A, Becker K, Aykut-Yetkiner A, Wiedemeier DB, Attin T. J Dent; 2018 Mar 01; 70():118-123. PubMed ID: 29366671 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
3. Dissolution of Enamel on Exposure to Various Commercial Beverages Available in India. Panda A, Ghosh B, Pal I, Kumar V, Bhuyan L, Dash KC. J Contemp Dent Pract; 2017 Nov 01; 18(11):1009-1013. PubMed ID: 29109312 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
4. Acidic beverages increase the risk of in vitro tooth erosion. Ehlen LA, Marshall TA, Qian F, Wefel JS, Warren JJ. Nutr Res; 2008 May 01; 28(5):299-303. PubMed ID: 19083423 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
5. Erosive potential of soft drinks on human enamel: an in vitro study. Wang YL, Chang CC, Chi CW, Chang HH, Chiang YC, Chuang YC, Chang HH, Huang GF, Liao YS, Lin CP. J Formos Med Assoc; 2014 Nov 01; 113(11):850-6. PubMed ID: 25001324 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
6. Erosive Effect of Different Soft Drinks on Enamel Surface in vitro: Application of Stylus Profilometry. Barac R, Gasic J, Trutic N, Sunaric S, Popovic J, Djekic P, Radenkovic G, Mitic A. Med Princ Pract; 2015 Nov 01; 24(5):451-7. PubMed ID: 26111496 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
7. Are grape juices more erosive than orange juices? Beltrame APCA, Noschang RAT, Lacerda DP, Souza LC, Almeida ICS. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent; 2017 Aug 01; 18(4):263-270. PubMed ID: 28779438 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
8. Erosive potential of vitamin waters, herbal drinks, carbonated soft drinks, and fruit juices on human teeth: An in vitro investigation. Surarit R, Jiradethprapai K, Lertsatira K, Chanthongthiti J, Teanchai C, Horsophonphong S. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects; 2023 Aug 01; 17(3):129-135. PubMed ID: 38023803 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
9. Buffering capacities of soft drinks: the potential influence on dental erosion. Edwards M, Creanor SL, Foye RH, Gilmour WH. J Oral Rehabil; 1999 Dec 01; 26(12):923-7. PubMed ID: 10620154 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
10. Erosion of enamel by non-carbonated soft drinks with and without toothbrushing abrasion. Hemingway CA, Parker DM, Addy M, Barbour ME. Br Dent J; 2006 Oct 07; 201(7):447-50; discussion 439; quiz 466. PubMed ID: 17031352 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
11. The pH of beverages in the United States. Reddy A, Norris DF, Momeni SS, Waldo B, Ruby JD. J Am Dent Assoc; 2016 Apr 07; 147(4):255-63. PubMed ID: 26653863 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
12. Soft drinks and in vitro dental erosion. Gravelle BL, Hagen TW, Mayhew SL, Crumpton B, Sanders T, Horne V. Gen Dent; 2015 Apr 07; 63(4):33-8. PubMed ID: 26147165 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
13. Analyses of the Erosive Effect of Dietary Substances and Medications on Deciduous Teeth. Lussi A, Carvalho TS. PLoS One; 2015 Apr 07; 10(12):e0143957. PubMed ID: 26700481 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
14. Erosive potential of powdered juice drinks on dental enamel. Romão DA, de Lima CP, Lôbo MV, Silva LDR, Nóbrega DF, Dos Santos NB. Gen Dent; 2021 Apr 07; 69(1):44-49. PubMed ID: 33350955 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
15. Immediate erosive potential of cola drinks and orange juices. Jensdottir T, Holbrook P, Nauntofte B, Buchwald C, Bardow A. J Dent Res; 2006 Mar 07; 85(3):226-30. PubMed ID: 16498068 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
16. Enamel erosion by some soft drinks and orange juices relative to their pH, buffering effect and contents of calcium phosphate. Larsen MJ, Nyvad B. Caries Res; 1999 Mar 07; 33(1):81-7. PubMed ID: 9831784 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
17. Fluoride is unable to reduce dental erosion from soft drinks. Larsen MJ, Richards A. Caries Res; 2002 Mar 07; 36(1):75-80. PubMed ID: 11961335 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
18. Evaluating the buffering capacity of various soft drinks, fruit juices and tea. Singh S, Jindal R. J Conserv Dent; 2010 Jul 07; 13(3):129-31. PubMed ID: 21116386 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
19. Millennial drinks: acidity, fluoride content, and enamel softening. Pierce S, Amini A, Tantbirojn D, Versluis A, Dehghan M, Almoazen H. Gen Dent; 2023 Jul 07; 71(4):36-43. PubMed ID: 37358581 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
20. An in vitro investigation of the erosive potential of smoothies. Blacker SM, Chadwick RG. Br Dent J; 2013 Feb 07; 214(4):E9. PubMed ID: 23429159 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related] Page: [Next] [New Search]