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Pubmed for Handhelds
Journal Abstract Search
200 related items for PubMed ID: 9246993
21. [Clinical examination of menisci in the era of arthroscopy]. Nevsímal L, Skoták M, Míka P, Bĕhounek J. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech; 2002; 69(2):88-94. PubMed ID: 12073648 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
22. [Diagnostic value of MRI for posterior root tear of medial and lateral meniscus]. Qian YN, Liu F, Dong YL, Cai CY. Zhongguo Gu Shang; 2018 Mar 25; 31(3):263-266. PubMed ID: 29600679 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
23. Comparison of clinical, MRI and arthroscopic assessments of chronic ACL injuries, meniscal tears and cartilage defects. Felli L, Garlaschi G, Muda A, Tagliafico A, Formica M, Zanirato A, Alessio-Mazzola M. Musculoskelet Surg; 2016 Dec 25; 100(3):231-238. PubMed ID: 27628912 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
24. Three Tesla MRI for the diagnosis of meniscal and anterior cruciate ligament pathology: a comparison to arthroscopic findings. Sampson MJ, Jackson MP, Moran CJ, Shine S, Moran R, Eustace SJ. Clin Radiol; 2008 Oct 25; 63(10):1106-11. PubMed ID: 18774357 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
25. Combined injury of the medial and lateral meniscus and the anterior cruciate ligament. Bosch U. Oper Orthop Traumatol; 2006 Dec 25; 18(5-6):485-9. PubMed ID: 17171333 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
26. MRI of meniscus and cruciate ligament tears correlated with arthroscopy. Chen MC, Shih TT, Jiang CC, Su CT, Huang KM. J Formos Med Assoc; 1995 Oct 25; 94(10):605-11. PubMed ID: 8527960 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
27. Arthroscopic and magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of meniscus lesions in the chronic anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee. Naranje S, Mittal R, Nag H, Sharma R. Arthroscopy; 2008 Sep 25; 24(9):1045-51. PubMed ID: 18760213 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
28. The Influence of Meniscal and Anterolateral Capsular Injury on Knee Laxity in Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries. Musahl V, Rahnemai-Azar AA, Costello J, Arner JW, Fu FH, Hoshino Y, Lopomo N, Samuelsson K, Irrgang JJ. Am J Sports Med; 2016 Dec 25; 44(12):3126-3131. PubMed ID: 27507843 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
29. Traumatic knee extension deficit (the locked knee): can MRI reduce the need for arthroscopy? Helmark IC, Neergaard K, Krogsgaard MR. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc; 2007 Jul 25; 15(7):863-8. PubMed ID: 17483932 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
30. Extremity-dedicated low-field MRI shows good diagnostic accuracy and interobserver agreement for the diagnosis of the acutely injured knee. Bürk J, Vicari M, Dovi-Akué P, Benndorf M, Fritz B, Lenz P, Niemeyer P, Baumann T. Clin Imaging; 2015 Jul 25; 39(5):871-5. PubMed ID: 26099793 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
31. The contribution of MRI in traumatic lesions of the knee. Thijn CJ. Clin Investig; 1992 Nov 25; 70(11):965-7. PubMed ID: 1472836 [No Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
32. The diagnostic validity of magnetic resonance imaging in acute knee injuries with hemarthrosis. A single-blinded evaluation in 69 patients using high-field MRI before arthroscopy. Lundberg M, Odensten M, Thuomas KA, Messner K. Int J Sports Med; 1996 Apr 25; 17(3):218-22. PubMed ID: 8739577 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
33. [MRI after meniscus and cruciate ligament surgery]. Kramer J, Breitenseher M, Stöger A, Huber H, Scheurecker A. Radiologe; 2006 Jan 25; 46(1):36-45. PubMed ID: 16252126 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
34. [MR imaging of the knee]. Wörtler K. Radiologe; 2007 Dec 25; 47(12):1131-43; quiz 1144-5. PubMed ID: 17992501 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
35. CT arthrography and virtual arthroscopy in the diagnosis of the anterior cruciate ligament and meniscal abnormalities of the knee joint. Lee W, Kim HS, Kim SJ, Kim HH, Chung JW, Kang HS, Hong SH, Choi JY. Korean J Radiol; 2004 Dec 25; 5(1):47-54. PubMed ID: 15064559 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
36. Assessment of Knee Joint Injuries with Low Field Strength Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Panta OB, Neupane NP, Songmen S, Gurung G. J Nepal Health Res Counc; 2016 May 25; 14(33):89-92. PubMed ID: 27885289 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
37. Bone contusion and associated meniscal and medial collateral ligament injury in patients with anterior cruciate ligament rupture. Yoon KH, Yoo JH, Kim KI. J Bone Joint Surg Am; 2011 Aug 17; 93(16):1510-8. PubMed ID: 22204006 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
38. MRI and arthroscopic analysis of collateral knee ligament injuries in combined knee ligament injuries. Stephenson DR, Rueff D, Johnson DL. Orthopedics; 2010 Mar 17; 33(3):187-9. PubMed ID: 20205368 [No Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
39. Role of low field MRI in detecting knee lesions. Leigheb M, Guzzardi G, Barini M, Abruzzese M, Riva S, Paschè A, Pogliacomi F, Rimondini L, Stecco A, Grassi FA, Carriero A. Acta Biomed; 2018 Dec 10; 90(1-S):116-122. PubMed ID: 30715009 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related]
40. Diagnostic assessment in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. Kostov H, Arsovski O, Kostova E, Nikolov V. Pril (Makedon Akad Nauk Umet Odd Med Nauki); 2014 Dec 10; 35(1):209-18. PubMed ID: 24798607 [Abstract] [Full Text] [Related] Page: [Previous] [Next] [New Search]